Andrikken Arnold fra Amager Strand

Today the Danish Children's Book "Andrikken Arnold fra Amager Strand" is out! Written by Marianne Holmen and illustrated by me.

It is my first published book illustration and I am very happy with the result

It is an ABC for the 6-12 year olds with 29 verses one for each letter - including the Danish letters Ø,Æ & Å

Marianne has also written an English version and working on finding English or American publishers interested in publishing.

Until then we have also worked together on another ABC for smaller children which is already ready for print and will be out in December this year!

The book can be purchased or ordered in all Danish bookshops, or online at - here

I am personally thinking of using my experience to write my own children's book, based on true stories from my travels! You can help me towards this goal by becoming my patron :)

Thank you for reading <3
